Getting Started
Schedule Classes Using The MINDBODY Scheduling System
All clients will need to Create an Account in the Right Balance Pilates (RBP) MINDBODY online scheduling system. Your MINDBODY account will:
Enable clients to Schedule classes at all three facilities (Lewes, Rehoboth & Bethany) as well as Cancel classes
Purchase Class Packs and Monthly Memberships
Keep track of all classes scheduled
All Classes must be scheduled online and in advance through the MINDBODY online scheduler. You are responsible for your own schedule and cancelations. Our classes fill up quickly, so please only schedule yourself for classes that you plan to attend.
Create your account USING YOUR LAPTOP or Iphone/Ipad
You can create your own RBP MINDBODY Account using your laptop or iPad by going to or click this RBP MINDBODY Link.
You also have the option to download the MINDBODY App to your phone or iPad. Look for Right Balance Pilates under the Businesses Category.
Attend an Intro to Reformer Pilates Class or Request a Personal Assessment
Intro Class - Free Group Session (45 Minutes) - Up to 8 participants. Offers an overview on the Pilates Reformer components, Intro Exercises and Studio Packages. If the dates/times offered for an Intro class do not work for your schedule and you feel confident in your equipment-based fitness abilities, you are always welcome to sign up for a Level 1 class. Right Balance Level 1 classes are beginner friendly. An instructor would be happy to give you a brief overview of the reformer if you are able to come into class a few minutes early. Please communicate with the instructor BEFORE the class begins!
Assessment - We are happy to offer a private assessment ($30 - 45 minute - mini workout) if the Intro session schedule does not meet your needs.
Private session ($95 - 55 minute full workout) if you do not feel ready to start taking group classes.
If you have never attended a Pilates Reformer Class, it is suggested to attend an Intro to Reformer Pilates Class.
Choose the Correct Class Level
If you are new to Reformer Pilates, please consider taking an Intro to Reformer Pilates Class.
To attend a Level 1.5 or Level 2 class, you must be able to kneel and stand on the Reformer.